the Restaurant

Our dishes are an invitation to a sensory journey through the suggestions of the Tuscan and Venetian lands, a culinary experience that will lead you to the discovery of authentic and genuine flavors.

In the heart of our kitchen, raw materials are transformed and processed with dedication to give you dishes that tell stories of tradition, innovation and creativity.

We choose ingredients carefully, favoring seasonal ones and making the most of local products to ensure freshness and quality in every dish.

Fresh pasta, prepared with skill and passion, is one of our specialties.

Sardines “in Saor” (a typical Venetian dish consisting of fried sardines
and sweet and sour onions) served with a slice of bread or polent - Sarde “in Saor” (tipico piatto veneziano composto da sarde fritte e
cipolle cotte in agrodolce) servite con crostone/polenta

Codfish mantecato in olive oil with fried polenta (4,7) 12 €

Smoked salmon from us
Marinated in citrus, served with salad and mayonnaise (3,4) 12 €

Octopus seasoned with Taggiasca olives and crispy celery (4,9,12) 13 €

Sardines “in Saor” served with polenta (typical Venetian dish) (1,4,8,12) 10 €

Bigoli freschi al torchio come da antica tradizione “in salsa”
(sarde sotto sale, cipolla e profumi di alloro)

Pappa al pomodoro and basil oil (1) 10 €

Spaghetti alla chitarra in creamed red turnip and ricotta cheese with lemon and hazelnuts (1,7) 13 €

Fresh bigoli “in sardine sauce” (1,4,12) 14 €

Potato gnocchi with scampi busara (1,2,3,9) 15 €

Leek and sausage lasagna (1,3,7) 14 €

Ricotta and Taggiasca olive ravioli with roast rabbit ragout (1,3) 16 €

Filetto alla griglia con i suoi demi glace
Grilled fillet with its demi glace

Zucchini flan
fried flower and tomato culis (3,7) 18 €

Bream in butter
With sautéed vegetables in guazzetto (4,7,9) 25 €

Duck breast with cherries
and potatoes whipped with Evo oil 24 €

Pork chop marinated in spices with nepitella 20 €

Lamb chops seared with mint 26 €

Fiorentina Scottona steak of our selection hg 5.8 €


Oxheart tomato salad with basil 6€

Mushroom eggplant 6€

Our panzanella 6€

Cannellini beans in oil 6€

Garlic spinach au gratin 6€

Roast potatoes 6€

Il Bacaro Fiorentino © Giorgio Magini Fotografo 2024

Crisp puff pastry, light cream and marinated strawberries (1,3,5,7) 8 €

Dark chocolate mousse lemon-almond sauce (3,7,8) 8 €

Crème brûlée with star anise (3,7) 8 €

Aunt Malia’s Tiramisu (1,3,5,7,8) 8 €

Cantucci and Vin Santo (1,3,7,8) 10 €

Zaeti and Muscat (1,3,7,8) 10 €

Cereals containing gluten (1)
(ie., wheat, rye, barley, cats, spelt, kamut, or their hybrid strains) and products derived from them

Crustaceans (2)
and products derived from them

Eggs (3)
and products derived from them

Fish (4)
and products derived from them, except:
gelatin or fish glue used as a clarifying agent in beer and wine

Peanuts (5)
and products derived from them

Soybeans (6)
and products derived from them

Milk (7)
and products derived from it, including lactose

Nuts (8)
namely almonds (Amygdalus communis L.),
hazelnuts (Corylus avellana), walnuts (Juglans regia),
cashews (Anacardium occidentale),
pecans (Carya ilinoiesis (Wangenh), (K. Koch),
Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), pistachios (Pistacia vera),
Queensland nuts (Macadamia temifolia), and products derived from them

Celery (9)
and products derived from it

Mustard (10)
and products derived from it

Sesame seeds (11)
and products derived from them

Sulfur dioxide and sulfites (12)
in concentrations greater than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l expressed as SO,

Lupins (13)
and products derived from them

Mollusks (14)
and products derived from them